Using JavaScript Types in Rust

Many functions on a Runtime are generic over a type parameter T, used to specify the expected return type from the executed javascript code.

Here is a simple example of calling the same function with different return types:

use rustyscript::{Runtime, Error};

fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut runtime = Runtime::new(Default::default())?;

    let number: i32 = runtime.eval("1 + 1")?;
    let string: String = runtime.eval("`${1 + 1}`")?;
    let float: f64 = runtime.eval("1 + 1")?;

    println!("Number: {}", number);
    println!("String: {}", string);
    println!("Float: {}", float);


If you don't care about the type of value being returned you can simply use ():

For example, to call a function with side-effects, where no value is returned, you would do:
runtime.eval::<()>("console.log('Hello, World!')");

Alternatively, if you want the value but do not care about the type, try js_value::Value

Special Types

The js_value module defines a number of special types that can be used, which map more-or-less directly to JavaScript types.

It is important to note that all of these cannot outlive their runtime's, or be used on other runtimes


A Deserializable javascript function, that can be stored and used later.

Can be called with Function::call. async and immediate variants exist

See Async JavaScript for details on async and immediate.


A stored javascript promise, that can be resolved or rejected later.

You can turn Promise<T> into Future<Output = T> by calling Promise::into_future This allows you to export multiple concurrent promises without borrowing the runtime mutably

You can also use Promise::into_value to block until the promise is resolved, and get the value.


Read-only instance of a javascript Object. Allows conversion into a HashMap (Skips any non-utf8 keys).

This type can be faster for large objects than directly deserializing into a rust type.


A Javascript UTF-16 string, used to preserve data which can be lost converting to a Rust String.


A generic type able to represent any JavaScript value. This mimics the behavior of the any type in TypeScript.

The primary use-case is to defer the normal type-decoding if the type is not known right away. This is done with Value::try_into, which must be called with the same runtime as the value was created with.

It can also be used to directly get the underlying deno value, using Value::into_v8.