Getting Started

On Modules and Including them

By default, any javascript code can only import modules that have already been loaded with Runtime::load_module. This is a security feature to prevent arbitrary code from being loaded from the filesystem or network.

However, this can be changed with the fs_import and url_import features. These features allow the runtime to load modules from the filesystem or network respectively.

URL Schemes

Custom URL Schemes can be added to a runtime with the schema_whlist field in the RuntimeOptions struct.


When a module is loaded, the runtime will look for a function with the name provided in the default_entrypoint field of the RuntimeOptions struct, or which is exported as default in the module.

Additionally, you can call rustyscript.register_entrypoint from JS to register a function as an entrypoint at runtime

Runtime::call_entrypoint will call the entrypoint function with the provided arguments.

Example 1
Example 2

ImportProvider Trait

The ImportProvider trait can be implemented to provide custom module loading behavior

  • It can be used to implement a cache: Example
  • Or to provide custom import logic: Example