
Deno's runtime supports the use of memory snapshots to skip the lengthy process of spinning up a new runtime and loading all the necessary code. This can give gains of ~10x in startup time, but comes with some caveats:

  • The snapshot must be generated on the same system it will be used on
  • The extensions in the snapshot builder runtime must be the same, and the same order as the runtime that will use the snapshot
  • The snapshot_builder feature must be enabled on rustyscript - This feature DOES preserve the integrity of the sandbox

Generating a snapshot

The snapshot must be provided to the runtime via the startup_snapshot field of RuntimeOptions, which as a type of &'static [u8].

Therefore the snapshot will typically be created in (short of using Box::leak, lazy_static, or similar)

The SnapshotBuilder struct is used to generate the snapshot, and can be used to pre-load modules into the snapshot. It has methods similar to the normal Runtime struct.

Below is a sample that generates a snapshot with a pre-loaded module:

You could also do this in and write to concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/snapshot.bin")

use rustyscript::{Error, Module, SnapshotBuilder}; use std::fs; static SNAPSHOT_PATH: &str = "examples/snapshot.bin"; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { // A module we want pre-loaded into the snapshot let module = Module::new( "my_module.js", "globalThis.importantFunction = function() { return 42; }", ); let snapshot = SnapshotBuilder::new(Default::default())? .with_module(&module)? .finish(); fs::write(SNAPSHOT_PATH, snapshot)?; Ok(()) }

Then, in order to use the snapshot:

use rustyscript::{Runtime, RuntimeOptions}; static SNAPSHOT: &[u8] = include_bytes!("example_snapshot.bin"); fn main() -> Result<(), rustyscript::Error> { let mut runtime = Runtime::new(RuntimeOptions { startup_snapshot: Some(SNAPSHOT), ..Default::default() })?; let important_value: u32 = runtime.eval("importantFunction()")?; assert_eq!(important_value, 42); Ok(()) }

The startup time of the runtime will fall from ~50ms, to less than 1 with the snapshot.

You could also generate the snapshot at runtime, in a lazy_static block, or similar:

use rustyscript::{Error, Module, Runtime, RuntimeOptions, SnapshotBuilder}; use std::sync::OnceLock; static SNAPSHOT: OnceLock<Box<[u8]>> = OnceLock::new(); fn get_snapshot() -> &'static [u8] { SNAPSHOT.get_or_init(|| { let module = Module::new( "my_module.js", "globalThis.importantFunction = function() { return 42; }", ); SnapshotBuilder::new(Default::default()) .unwrap() .with_module(&module) .unwrap() .finish() }) } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let mut runtime = Runtime::new(RuntimeOptions { startup_snapshot: Some(get_snapshot()), ..Default::default() })?; runtime.eval::<()>("1 + 1")?; Ok(()) }